Locker room gay sex story

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I don't know much more about matt and Greg until later on in the story. Matt with black hair 5'6', gorgeous! Well here's a little about me so your not questioning anything, I just tell everyone how I look so they know, I'm 5'6', brown hair, green eyes, 4-1/2 inch dick, cut. Matt well has an angel, who is my closest friend if only he know I was gay, he would probably never speak to me again. He's got red hair) I think it is a major turn on.

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I'm a very quiet kid, lots of friends, surprisingly mostly girls, but I'm majorly in love with two of my best guy friends. So my fantasies stay to myself, and I talk to no one. I am secretly gay, but am too scared to tell anyone, as our society today would basically pummel me if I was to come out. My name is John I'm a sophomore in high school.

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